World of tanks:Tech tree unlocker


Hello. I present to you the first release of the World of tanks:Tech tree unlocker  !
This blog was created for informational purposes only and will tell you how to download this tool and how to use them.
1.Download this tool  absolutely free by clicking DOWNLOAD HERE

2. When you download open the tool

Then type your mail used in account creation(very important,otherwise hack does not work propertly) "Enter  your email".
Secondly choose any tech tree form “Options”.And choose now of the fallowing trees  USA,German,USSR (I’ll update when the french tanks comes out!).When its done,just click once at “Hack it now”.
Wait couple seconds connecting to your account,and hacking processes.Then quit,and run the game.Now your desired tech tree should be unlocked,you don’t  need to spend experience,just gather some money and buy favorite tank!
Notice:This tool will connect to your account I won’t hack them!

3. IS-7 is much stronger than Mause,but USA T30 is kick-ass…
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