Free Spiral Knights Energy Generator

Free Spiral Knights Energy Generator

Spiral Knights is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Three Rings Design and published by Sega. The free-to-play, Java-based game was released to advance testers on November 12, 2009[1], to the general public on April 4, 2011, and to Steam users on June 14, 2011.[2][clarification needed]In the game, the player controls a knight of the Spiral Knights order, which has crash-landed on the mysterious planet Cradle. The knights collectively explore the Clockworks, the mechanized, constantly reorganizing dungeon that fills the planet’s interior. The knights equip armor (suits, helmets, shields) and weapons (swords, guns, bombs) to aid them in their battles against the monsters inhabiting the Clockworks. When they are not exploring, the knights trade with each other and with the Strangers (Cradle natives who help the knights), in order to improve their equipment.

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