Free Nexon Cash Codes Generator

Free Nexon Cash Codes Generator

NEXON Corporation (Korean: 넥슨) is a South Korean video game developer and publisher of online games and MMORPGs. Its headquarters is located in Seoul, South Korea. The company is currently preparing to launch its social network service and online game portal, BlockParty, through its North American branch, Nexon America.NEXON Corp. published its first title, Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, in 1996. Known as Baramue Nara in Korea, Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds is the world’s first graphic MMORPG.[1] In 1998 NEXON released Dark Ages: Online Roleplaying which was loosely based on the Korean game Legend of Darkness, using the same server technology. The North American version of Dark Ages was developed by David Ethan Kennerly.
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